I got my CPAP machine yesterday (that's the machine that keeps my throat full of air so it doesn't collapse while I'm sleeping. It's less uncomfortable than it sounds). I tried to use it last night, but after an hour of not really falling asleep, I decided to take the mask off rather than disturb Daniel by trying to get comfortable with the mask
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I've been diagnosed with sleep apnea. I spent another night in a sleep lab, trying on masks for my CPAP machine. Now I'm just waiting for the homecare company to contact me about when I can has said machine
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Having exhausted nearly every other form of birth control on the market, and found them all problematic in some way, I decided, on the advice of my doctor, to try Mirena (an IUD with a low dosage of hormones). ( Medical TMI )
I had a court hearing yesterday about my workers' comp benefits. Under Massachusetts law, the WC people can't cut off my benefits without a judge's approval, and the judge didn't approve this time. Fuck yeah! So that's one less thing to worry about for the next six months or so. And I found an acupuncturist who is willing to try billing WC (it
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